Associations & Partners

Conference of Chief Justices (CCJ)
CCJ provides an opportunity for the highest judicial officers of the states to meet and discuss key matters in the administration of justice, rules and methods of procedure, and the organization and operation of state courts and judicial systems, and to make recommendations and bring about improvements on such matters.

Conference of State Court Administrators (COSCA)
COSCA provides a national forum to assist state court administrators in the development of a more just, effective, and efficient system of justice.

American Judges Association (AJA)
The AJA strives to promote and improve the effective administration of justice; to maintain the status and independence of the judiciary; to provide a forum for the continuing education of its members and the general public; and for the exchange of new ideas among all judges.

Conference of Court Public Information Officers (CCPIO)
The CCPIO is the only professional organization dedicated to the role of court public information officers in the United States and worldwide.

Council of Chief Judges of the State Courts of Appeal (CCJSCA)
The CCJSCA is a vehicle for consultation on court administration, rules and methods of procedure, and the organization and operation of the state courts of appeal.

Court Information Technology Officers Consortium (CITOC)
CITOC is a national organization that promotes communication and the sharing of experiences among Chief Information and Chief Technology Officers in courts nationwide.

International Organization for Judicial Training (IOJT) 
The IOJT supports the work of judicial education institutions around the world through international and regional conferences and other exchanges that provide opportunities for judges and judicial educators.

Joint Technology Committee (JTC)
The JTC was established by COSCA, NACM and the NCSC to develop and promote technology standards for the courts; improve court processes and business practices; ensure adequate education and training for court leaders in technology; and collaborate with the justice community and other stakeholders.

Judicial Family Institute (JFI)
The JFI is a national organization dedicated to providing information and education on topics of concern and importance to judicial households and extended family members.

National Association for Court Management (NACM)
NACM is committed to improving the administration of justice and promoting the interdependence of court managers and judges.

National Association for Presiding Judges and Court Executive Officers (NAPCO)
The NAPCO is an independent, nonprofit, education and research organization of chief/presiding judges and court executives in state and local trial courts.

National Association of State Judicial Educators (NASJE)
The NASJE is a non-profit organization that strives to improve the justice system through judicial branch education.

National College of Probate Judges (NCPJ)
The NCPJ promotes efficient, fair and just judicial administration in the probate courts and provides opportunities for continuing judicial education for probate judges and related personnel.

National Conference of Appellate Court Clerks (NCACC)
The NCACC seeks to improve the skills required of those performing the duties of appellate court clerks by educational programs; to promote and improve the contribution of the offices of appellate court clerks; and to maintain facilities for the dissemination of information crucial to the operation and improvement of the offices of appellate court clerks.

Council of Language Access Coordinators
The Council seeks to inspire and enable its members to promote equal access to justice in courts and tribunals by eliminating language barriers for persons with limited English proficiency.