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How to Join CITOC

Membership in CITOC is open to individuals serving in the position of court Chief Information Officer, Chief Technology Officer, or the senior most IT management position. The membership is organizational in nature, to allow members to have their staff with specialized expertise participate in CITOC in a liaison capacity.

Interested applicants may fill out and submit this brief membership application form to join.

How much does it cost to join CITOC?



Annual Cost

Large Court Membership

Jurisdiction over 1 million in population


Small Court Membership

Jurisdiction under 1 million in population


Statewide Membership

All court CIOs in the state


What if my court does not have the budget to include membership?

If your court does not have the budget, but you’d still like to join, contact us at and we can provide details on our scholarship program.

What do I get with my CITOC membership?

CITOC is the only organization in the U.S. chartered solely for people who work in courts on court technology. Here’s what CITOC has for you.

  • Instant feedback on court IT policy and technology via the CITOC google group with court IT professionals from all over the U.S.
  • An annual conference with other court technologists, sharing information about court IT. The conference is usually the day prior to eCourts or the Court Technology Conference (the NCSC signature court technology conferences).
  • Networking and connections with other court IT professionals in similar situations.
  • A place to publish and read peer-reviewed papers on court IT matters.
  • Input on national court IT standards.

For more information, please send inquiries to:

Click here to join!