Unlike webinars, cyberattacks don’t happen on a schedule. That’s why it’s critical to take proactive steps now to prepare for the unexpected. Leaders from the Joint Technology Committee (JTC) moderated a series of webinars held every Monday. These sessions covered key topics, including lessons learned by state court leaders after experiencing cyberattacks and practical strategies for creating a 'Cyber COOP.'
If your court has security staff and a magnetometer but lacks a dedicated cybersecurity incident response team, these webinars are for you!
Featured Webinar:
Cybersecurity on a Shoestring Budget
The Center for Internet Security (CIS) is known for bringing together expert insight about threats and defensive options into a guideline that helps an organization manage their security improvement program. Follow along with a panel of CITOC (Court Information Technology Officer Consortium) representatives as they review the CIS control implementation groups. CITOC will also focus on the minimum standard of information security required for all enterprises. Learn what free and low cost resources are available for you and your IT department.
Timothy Holthoff, Court Information Systems Division Director, Arkansas Administrative Office of the Courts
Chad Cornelius, Chief Information Officer, Nebraska Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation
Heather Pettit, Chief Information Officer/Director of IT, Judicial Council of California
Moderated and facilitated by:
Roger Rand, with the National Association for Court Management
JTC Cyber-Monday: Cybersecurity on a Shoestring Budget from State Courts on Vimeo.
December 13, 2022
Cybersecurity on a Shoestring Budget
November 14, 2022
What to Expect from the Industry, and What the Industry Expects from You
October 17, 2022
Communication and Managing Expectations During a Cyber-Attack
September 12, 2022
My Court's Been Hacked! Now What?
May 23, 2022
What's In Your Cyber COOP?
April 25, 2022
Cyber-Insurance - Should You Pay the Ransom?
March 28, 2022
Cybersecurity Basics for Courts
February 28, 2022
Tales From the Cyber-Frontlines: Lessons From Lived Experiences

Introduction to AI for Courts
(Version 2.0, updated and adopted March 2024)
Many court technology systems today are leveraging some forms of AI. However, there are many more use cases where AI technologies might advantageously be brought to bear in the court setting.
Considerations for Procuring and Implementing Digital Evidence Management Software
(Version 1.0, adopted September 2023)
More and more state judicial branches and courts are seeking technology solutions to receive, display, access, store and manage digital evidence. This Joint Technology Committee Resource Bulletin shares considerations, benefits, challenges, and information from courts that have implemented these solutions to help inform efforts for other judicial branches and courts interested in procuring and implementing digital evidence management and display software.
Remote Jury Selection: Technology and Staffing
(Version 1.0, adopted April 2023)
This JTC Quick Response Bulletin provides guidance on conducting remote jury selection, including educational and practical tools developed by courts that spearheaded these efforts. It includes a discussion of the essential infrastructure in terms of both technology and staffing necessary to undertake remote jury selection and tips for each stage of the process.
Cybersecurity Basics for Courts
(Version 3.0, adopted September 2021)
Cybersecurity threats are a reality for all organizations, public and private. In spite of good prevention efforts, every court will almost certainly face a cybersecurity incident including data breach or cyberattack. This paper provides a basic explanation of prevention techniques and the preparations necessary for court managers to respond quickly and effectively in the event of a cybersecurity incident.
Measures and Practices for Ensuring a Safe and Secure Courthouse Environment During and After a Pandemic
(Version 1.0, adopted August 2021)
Keeping courthouses safe and secure during the coronavirus pandemic has always been a top priority. This report gathers the most relevant lessons learned, cataloging health and safety measures and changes in business practices. More significantly, it includes recommendations for state court leaders to follow as the pandemic ebbs and flows and even after the long-awaited day when this pandemic has ended.
Things a Court Manager Should Consider Regarding Remote Work
(Version 1.0, adopted August 2021)
Like many organizations, state courts are assessing the feasibility of post-pandemic remote work. Should practices put in place during the pandemic continue “as is?” Are adjustments needed for long-term use? Or are some services naturally aligned to only be offered in-person, on-site? Understand what the important initial considerations and remote work basics are and review policy excerpts and examples that can assist managers with developing a policy that meets the needs of their organization.
Recruitment, Selection, and Retention of IT Staff
(Version 1.0, adopted August 2021)
Recruiting and retaining IT staff continues to be a challenge for courts and related agencies. Factors such as competition with the private sector, lack of understanding about the role of IT, and specialization of IT services all contribute to these challenges. Learn more about these issues and best practices for recruiting, selecting and retaining court IT staff – which includes the need for ongoing training.
Managing Evidence for Virtual Hearings
(Version 1.0, adopted June 2020)
As a result of stay-at-home orders tied to the COVID-19 pandemic, courts in most states are conducting virtual hearings: using technology to facilitate a hearing without the judge and the parties being physically gathered in one location. Evidence is a key aspect of those virtual hearings. Much can be gleaned from the ways other types of organizations do business virtually. However, courts have unique needs that require thoughtful attention as they impact how evidence is submitted, stored, and shared to support a virtual hearing.
Judicial Perspectives on ODR and Other Virtual Court Processes
(Version 1.0, adopted May 2020)
Just a few months ago, most US courts significantly lagged behind banking, education, retail, healthcare, and other industries in the use of technology. Until mid-March 2020, that is, when US courts suddenly, overwhelmingly embraced some uses of technology, almost overnight, because they had to. Virtual hearings and ODR are opening up new possibilities that are not only keeping courts functioning during the pandemic, but also showing promise in helping resolve seemingly intractable access to justice issues. When the dangers of the COVID-19 virus have passed, courts anticipate a surge of filings. ODR and virtual hearings can “scale” to meet surges in demand in ways that traditional processes cannot. Out of necessity in response to an unprecedented pandemic, courts are boldly embracing changes that are bringing more court processes into line with available technologies and public expectations
Fostering Innovation in Legal Services: Testing Legal Regulatory Changes in a Protected "Sandbox"
(Version 1.0, adopted May 2020)
The most practical strategy for solving the access to justice gap is to harness the power of the market. However, regulations meant to protect consumers also prevent innovation that is essential for the industry to keep pace with available technologies, unmet demand for services, and consumer expectations. A regulatory “sandbox” is a method that has proven useful in other industries to test innovations, business process improvements, and new technologies based on how they perform. The COVID-19 pandemic has created an opportunity to prioritize legal regulatory reform. With most courts now relying on virtual hearings and telework options that were unthinkable only months ago, there is a new openness to considering broader issues and a willingness to grapple with new technologies and ways of doing business. Some legal innovators think a sandbox may help the legal industry transform to better meet 21st century demands, improving access to justice.
Getting Started with a Chatbot
(Version 1.0, adopted April 2020)
Chatbots are commonly used in customer-facing organizations to better serve the public. Courts are currently experiencing a unique time of both urgent and overwhelming needs in some parts of the organization, while other staff may be under-utilized. Courts might consider tapping the expertise of staff sidelined by stay-at-home orders to begin gathering information and creating content for a court assistance chatbot.
Strategic Issues to Consider when Starting Virtual Hearings
(Version 1.0, adopted April 2020)
As courts rapidly pivot to provide access to services remotely, there are key decisions, assumptions, and potential challenges as well as opportunities to bear in mind as they go forward. This JTC Quick Response Bulletin provides important reminders designed to help courts succeed with efforts to provide virtual hearings.
Introduction to AI for Courts
(Version 1.0, adopted March 2020)
Many court technology systems today are leveraging some forms of AI. However, there are many more use cases where AI technologies might advantageously be brought to bear in the court setting.
Case Studies in ODR for Courts
(version 2.0, adopted January 2020)
Since the JTC first released a publication on the topic of Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) in 2016, there has been a seismic shift in US courts’ practical experience as well as interest in ODR. This paper highlights ODR implementations that illustrate a sample of technologies, philosophies, and approaches to the use of technology in dispute resolution.
Cybersecurity Basics for Courts
(version 2.0, adopted December 2019)
Cybersecurity threats are a reality for all organizations, public and private. In spite of good prevention efforts, every court will almost certainly face a cybersecurity incident including data breach or cyberattack. This paper provides a basic explanation of prevention techniques and the preparations necessary for court managers to respond quickly and effectively in the event of a cybersecurity incident.
Teleservices for Courts
(version 1.0, adopted August 2019)
Teleservices is the delivery of services from a distance using telephony and/or digital technologies. There are a growing number of innovative utilizations with a track record of success in both the public and private sectors. Teleservices can be more widely utilized for some court processes, saving courts and the public time and money, better meeting client needs, reducing security risks to medical and behavioral health providers and the public, and improving the public’s access to justice.
Leveraging Open Source Resources
(version 1.0, adopted April 2019)
The world runs on software. Both public and private sector organizations are
increasingly utilizing non-proprietary open source code. Courts have yet to significantly
leverage open source options and fully participate in shared repositories. Leveraging
open source solutions can help courts expedite the process of adopting innovations that
would otherwise be too costly to pursue. Utilizing open source code and repositories will
create opportunities for collaboration, bringing the best ideas in the broader court
community to play in many individual court organizations.
NCSC Trends in State Courts: When Might Blockchain Appear in Your Court
(January 2018)
Blockchain is a set of technologies that creates an encrypted, distributed ledger. Probably the best-known application of Blockchain is the digital currency Bitcoin.
ODR for Courts
(version 2.0, updated and adopted November 2017)
Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) encompasses a broad array of technologies used to resolve a growing variety of business and consumer disputes throughout the world. It has grown to become a distinct and particularly effective dispute resolution mechanism. Courts have implemented ODR for low-dollar personal injury claims, landlord tenant, small claims, and minor traffic and code enforcement violations.
Case Studies in ODR for Courts: A View From the Front Lines
(version 1.0, adopted November 2017)
Pioneering ODR efforts are unfolding around the world. Many courts and justice organizations are looking for signs that ODR technologies are beyond the major pitfalls of early adoption (the “bleeding edge”) and that successes can be leveraged and replicated. The use of information and communications technology (ICT) to help parties resolve their disputes is an encouraging trend with notable benefits to parties with disputes and the organizations (public or private) chartered with resolving those disputes.
Introduction to the Next-Generation Court Technology Standards Application Component Model
(version 1.0, adopted November 2017)
Court software solutions and, in particular, case management systems (CMSs) have traditionally been implemented as monolithic solutions provided by a single vendor. This one-size-fits-all approach has proven ineffective in today’s world of constantly changing requirements and increasing use of technology.
State Justice Institute: Automated Redaction Proof of Concept Report
(September 2017)
In July 2017, the National Center for State Courts published “Best Practices for Court Privacy Policy Formulation,” describing the State Justice Institute-funded project to update model public access and privacy guidelines published by the Conference of State Court Administrators in 2002.
State Justice Institute: Best Practices for Court Privacy Policy Formulation
(July 2017)
The National Center for State Courts (NCSC) conducted two facilitated focus groups to produce this report. One focus group considered revisions to the original 2002 COSCA guidelines white paper on privacy and access policies.
Using Technology to Improve Pretrial Release Decision-Making
(version 1.0, adopted February 2016)
Despite monumental success in automating case management processes for court clerks, court systems fall short in meeting the case processing, judicial decision making, and management needs specific to trial court judges on the bench and in chambers. Recognizing this gap, the Joint Technology Committee (JTC) appointed a Judicial Tools Working Group in December 2013 to research and document those technology and judicial case management needs.
Responding to a Cyberattack
(version 1.0, adopted February 2016)
Cybersecurity threats are increasing for all organizations, public and private. In spite of good prevention efforts, every court will almost certainly face a cybersecurity incident including data breach or cyberattack. This paper provides a basic explanation of the preparations necessary for court managers to respond quickly and effectively in the event of a cybersecurity incident.
Developing an Electronic Records Preservation and Disposition Plan
(version 1.0, adopted December 2014)
Courts have long had records retention and destruction schedules for paper case records. However, courts often lack the staffing resources needed to actually go through old files, sort and then destroy records. Thus, many such standing court record retention and destruction policies are generally permissive in nature, not closely followed and out-of-date in this new era of digital records.
Strategic Issues to Consider before Starting an E-filing Initiative
(version 1.0, adopted July 2013)
E-filing is more than a transfer of a document to the court electronically. It includes the notion that some data and metadata will populate the court case management system (CMS) at the same time the filing documents and fees related to the documents are received and electronically served. E-filing is thus one aspect of converting the court business to a model based upon an electronic record.