Priorities & Strategic plan

“A system of justice cannot be genuinely fair and responsive to public need if it is not efficient.”

- Chief Justice
Warren E. Burger

Cover of 2022 strategic plan

You can read the full 2022-2025 campaign report here. (pdf)

Transforming Justice: The 2022-2025 NCSC Strategic Campaign illustrates visionary leadership from NCSC’s Board of Directors and builds on many lessons learned during the pandemic. These lessons, both positive and negative, have made courts stronger and better prepared for the future. Alongside, NCSC is now stronger and better prepared to support courts on their journey of continual innovation and improvement.

The foundation of NCSC’s Campaign rests on four overarching principles:

  • Access to Justice
  • Racial Justice
  • Human Rights & Social Justice
  • Technology

The Strategic Campaign identifies five areas of focus for NCSC:

  • Enhance rural court services
  • Improve remote and hybrid court proceedings and services
  • Integrate national court initiatives into court policies and practices
  • Enhance court leadership and governance
  • Advance the rule of law in domestic and international courts and justice systems

We invite you to download our comprehensive, multi-year plan to get a more complete picture of NCSC’s plans and priorities.

Our website is a great place to learn more about early work in our priority areas. Access to justice continues to grow through greater adoption of remote and hybrid proceedings.  Addressing systemic barriers to equal justice is a priority of the Blueprint for Racial Justice. Bolstering public trust and confidence will continue to be a priority as NCSC works to further develop state courts while also assisting emerging democracies through its International Programs.

Join NCSC as we set the course for better, stronger courts in 2022-2025. Learn more about our mission and history today!

“A system of justice cannot be genuinely fair and responsive to public need if it is not efficient.”

- Chief Justice
Warren E. Burger

Cover of 2022 strategic plan

You can read the full 2022-2025 campaign report here. (pdf)