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Webinar: Getting the Best of GenAI - How to Use Prompt Engineering


Using GenAI effectively means asking good questions or specifying precise instructions, a task known as prompt engineering. In this session, instructors Catherine Sanders Reach of the North Carolina Bar Association and Valerie McConnell of Thomson Reuters will give you some practical skills needed to use GenAI by crafting effective prompts.

By the end of  this webinar participants will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of prompt engineering,
  • Learn best practices for writing effective prompts,
  • Understand common challenges and solutions in legal AI prompting, and
  • Apply AI prompting techniques to legal and court-specific cases.

Following the webinar, participants will receive access to a sandbox where they can practice prompt engineering in a safe environment.

In her role as director of the North Carolina Bar Association’s Center for Practice Management, Reach provides practice technology and management assistance to lawyers and legal professionals. She has held similar legal technology positions with the American Bar Association and Chicago Bar Association.

McConnell, a senior director for customer success at Thomson Reuters, uses her litigation background to help build software solutions for attorneys. She previously served as vice president of client success at Casetext.


  • Diane Robinson |Principal Court Research Associate,  National Center for State Courts
  • Natalie Runyon | Director, ESG Content and Advisory Services, Thomson Reuters Institute


  • Catherine Sanders Reach | Director, Center for Practice Management, North Carolina Bar Association
  • Valerie McConnell | Senior director for customer success, Thomson Reuters

Register today.

For more information, email Grace Haviland.