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Webinar: Data Dives - Capturing the Potential of GIS to Explore Legal Deserts


Join us for the second session of the Data Dives Webinar Series, where we’ll explore potential barriers to accessing legal services.

In this webinar, learn how Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data can help identify barriers and opportunities for providing legal access and services to the public. Three examples, including Legal Deserts maps for CCJ/COSCA, the Arizona Access to Justice effort, and dashboards created for the Commission on Indiana’s Legal Future, highlight how GIS data can be captured and turned into tools that provide insights and aid decision-making.


  • Danielle Hirsch, Managing Director, Court Consulting Group, National Center for State Courts
  • Miriam Hamilton, Senior Research Analyst, Research and Design Group, National Center for State Courts


  • Gretchen Hornberger, Law Librarian, Coconino County, Arizona
  • Bob Rath, Chief Innovation Officer, Indiana Office of Judicial Administration

Register today.

For more information, email Miriam Hamilton.