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Webinar: Tech for All - Applications of AI to Increase Access to Justice


Explore the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in enhancing access to justice for underserved communities.

Presenters will discuss how they are safely and effectively leveraging new technologies to make the legal system more accessible. Participants will learn about practical applications of AI and discover the potential for democratizing access to legal information for increased participation in court cases and proceedings. The presenters will also share compelling case studies that demonstrate how AI can directly assist individuals seeking justice.

By the end of this webinar, participants will be able to:

  1. Assess the potential benefits of implementing self-help AI solutions
  2. Understand the complexity and cost of developing and implementing a self-help AI tool, including the skillsets and resources necessary
  3. Describe the building blocks for a self-help chatbot


  • Diane  Robinson,  Principal Court Research Associate, NCSC


  • Drew Jackson, Digital and Content Lead, People’s Law School
  • Tom Martin, Founder and CEO, LawDroid
  • Chris McGrath, Consultant and Founder, Tangowork
  • Jeannie Sato, Director, Access to Justice, Alaska Courts

Register today.

For more information, email Adalie Kim.