Exercise 5: Question 2

Exercise 5: Unclear Communications

Question 2.

Read the document below. Can you rewrite the first paragraph to meet a reading level of 6th grade or below? Check the reading level of your rewrite using the Hemingway Editor. Continue to edit until you reach a readability level of Grade 6 or lower.

Embedded PDF

This is a recipe for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (PB&J). To make a PB&J sandwich you will combine three ingredients: sliced bread, peanut butter, and jelly. Below are the steps you can use to make the classic sandwich again and again. Watch a video demonstrating these steps here.


  • When reading the document for the first time, how long did it take you to realize what the document was about?
  • Was the title helpful?
  • Did you know what materials you needed?
  • Did you understand that the document included step by step instructions? How well could you follow them as written?

Question 3.

What other improvements could be made to this document? Mark up the document or make a list before revealing the answer.

Applying a few simple principles of form design could make a big difference in how the information is communicated:

  • Increase font to at least 12pt (16px) font and use consistent font size
  • Increase the contrast
  • Add whitespace between lines and sections
  • Turn long, complicated instructions into bullet points and numbered steps
  • Use clear headings and section breaks
  • Remove all capitals and use title case instead
  • Reduce the space used to provide information about limited use cases
  • Include helpful pictures or graphics
  • Remove irrelevant information like the form number and fax number
  • Eliminate the notary requirement (“culinarian’s smooch”)
  • Correctly link to additional resources like a video explanation or translated versions of the document

Applying a few simple principles of design and plain language can turn incomprehensible jargon into clear communication for court users. These principles apply to written court documents, information and resources including websites and online information, and text-message reminders.