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Winter Forms Camp 2023

Winter Forms Camp 2023

When was Winter Forms Camp?

January to March 2023.

What was Winter Forms Camp?

NCSC created the 2023 Winter Forms Camp to bring together participants from throughout the country to make improvements to state court forms. At Winter Forms Camp, NCSC staff provided intensive training and technical assistance to help courts revise a small set of forms with a focus on improving plain language, design, and readability. At the end of Winter Forms Camp, court forms were redesigned, translated into plain language, and user tested.

Who participated in Winter Forms Camp?

NCSC selected six cohorts to participate in Winter Forms Camp via a competitive application process. They were: Delaware County,  Indiana; Iowa; Maine; Minnesota; Northern Mariana Islands; and Rhode Island. Each cohort assembled a small team that included judges, court administrators, subject matter experts, law clerks, self-help center staff, staff from community partner agencies, access to justice staff, judicial aids, and others.


Don't hesitate to contact us about the winter camp series.