Debt Collection Reform Checklist Generator
The Debt Collection Reform Checklist Generator will help courts implement already-enacted debt collection case rule or statute-based reforms.
This tool will help create customized checklists to help plaintiffs and the court ensure case requirements are met at various stages of the case.
This tool is not a comprehensive discussion of debt collection reform, nor is it intended to help jurisdictions who are at the stage of statutory or rule-based reform. Rather, this tool offers a practical way to help jurisdictions incorporate consumer debt court-based reforms into existing court business practice through the use of checklists. Once created by the tool, these checklists are designed to be further modified to fit each jurisdiction's needs.
Want to discuss your checklists or how to implement them? Schedule a consultation with NCSC's Access to Justice Consulting team.
Your data and responses are not stored or collected by NCSC, and use of this tool is anonymous.
- Coronavirus and the Courts (CCJ/COSCA Rapid Response Team Pandemic Response)
- Exiting Technology Projects
Coming Soon:
- Access to Justice Resource Inventories
- Michigan Justice for All Strategic Planning and Process Improvement