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Continuing Upwards from the Summit 2023

Post-Summit Resources

Recorded Presentations from the 2023 Continuing Upwards from the Summit Virtual Event

Welcome and Opening of the Virtual Event

Reflecting on the Past to Move Our System Forward Together

Leveraging Title IV-E Dollars for High-Quality Legal Representation

Inclusive and  Exclusive  Language

Strengths of the Indian Child Welfare Act for Families

Spotlight - National Judicial Task Force to Examine State Courts’ Response to Mental Illness

Opening Remarks

10 Ways to Cultivate a Culture of Engagement in the Courtroom

Civil Rights and Child Welfare

The Intersection of Housing and Child Welfare: Actionable Solutions for Court Personnel and System Partners

Spotlight: Advocating for Pre-petition Representation in Maine

The Kentucky Model for Identifying and Addressing Racial, Ethnic, and Equity Disparities

Spotlight: Ohio Legal Help – Online Kinship Care Planning Tools

May 9-10, 2023, Agenda

Summit Action Guide: The  Action Guide  includes the key takeaways from  presentations, outlines  immediate actions to begin working on the subject matter, and  suggests ways to lead  conversations with stakeholders related  to each topic.


The National Center for State Courts, in partnership with the Conference of Chief Justices, the Conference of State Court Administrators, and Casey Family Programs, hosted a two-day virtual event for over 500 participants to support state courts and their partners in continuing efforts to improve outcomes for children and families.  The event showcased subject matter experts highlighting innovative court-led child welfare system practices and family-centered philosophies. As an accompanying resource for this event, Presenters contributed to a Summit Action Guide which includes valuable key takeaways, suggestions for immediate actions, and ideas to start stakeholder conversations about the presentation topics.

Presentations were centered around the five following themes:

  1. Incorporating the Voice of Families in the Court Process
  2. Delivering High-Quality Legal Representation to Families in Child Welfare
  3. Safely Preventing the Unnecessary Entry of Children into Foster Care Through Meaningful Initial Hearings
  4. Courts Ensuring Procedural Fairness, Equity, and Access to Justice for All Families
  5. Leading Child Welfare Reform from the Supreme Court and Administrative Office of Courts

To  learn more, visit the National Judicial Leadership Summits on Child Welfare page.