Indicates featured legislation
Jurisdiction: Newly Introduced
Alabama HB 147 Increases civil jurisdiction of district courts from $10,000 to $25,000. In House Judiciary Committee.
Missouri HB 1636 Allows certain cities, town, and villages to elect to have only certain municipal ordinance violations heard by an associate circuit court or county municipal court. In House (no committee).
Mississippi HB 2 Provides ""Foreign law" means any law, rule, or legal code or system established and used or applied in a jurisdiction outside of the states or territories of the United States...A court, arbitrator, administrative agency, or other adjudicative, mediation, or enforcement authority shall not enforce a foreign law if doing so would violate a right guaranteed by the Constitution of this state or of the United States." In House Judiciary A Committee.
Oklahoma SJR 84 Removes Supreme Court's power to review enacted laws. Transfers power of judicial review to unspecified "Ad Hoc Court of Constitutional Review". Prefiled (no committee).
Jurisdiction: Floor and Committee Activity
Arizona SB 1310 Increases small claims jurisdiction from $2,500 to $10,000. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/30/12.
Arizona SB 1311 Increases justice of the peace civil jurisdiction from $10,000 to $25,000. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/30/12.
Arizona SCR 1032 (Constitutional Amendment) Increases justice of the peace civil jurisdiction from $10,000 to $25,000. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/30/12.
Florida HB 1209 Provides “foreign law, legal code, or system” means any law, legal code, or system of a jurisdiction outside any state or territory of the United States, including, but not limited to, international organizations or tribunals, and applied by that jurisdiction’s courts, administrative bodies, or other formal or informal tribunals. Provides the term does not include the common law and statute laws of England as described or any laws of the Native American tribes in the state. Declares "Any court, arbitration, tribunal, or administrative agency ruling or decision violates the public policy of this state and is void and unenforceable if the court, arbitration, tribunal, or administrative agency bases its ruling or decision in the matter at issue in whole or in part on any foreign law, legal code, or system that does not grant the parties affected by the ruling or decision the same fundamental liberties, rights, and privileges guaranteed by the State Constitution or the United States Constitution." Approved by House Judiciary Committee Civil Justice Subcommittee 1/31/12.
New Hampshire HCR 26 Declares state supreme court decision and mandates that the legislative and executive branches define an adequate education, determine its cost, fund its entire cost with state taxes, and ensure its delivery through accountability, are not binding on the legislative and executive branches. Referred for interim committee study 2/1/12.
South Dakota SB 136 Provides any ruling or decision that makes use of international or foreign law is void and unenforceable if the court bases its ruling or decision in the matter at issue in whole or in part on any foreign law, legal code, or system that would not grant the parties affected by the ruling or decision the same fundamental liberties, rights, and privileges granted under the constitutions of the United States and South Dakota, including due process of law, freedom of religion, speech, or press, and any right of privacy or marriage as specifically provided by the constitution of this state. Foreign law, legal code, or system is any foreign law, legal code, or system of a jurisdiction outside of any state or territory of the United States, including international organizations and tribunals, and applied by that jurisdiction's courts, administrative bodies, or other formal or informal tribunals. Specifies the term foreign law does not include any tribal laws of the Native American tribes in the state. Deferred to 41st legislative day (i.e. killed) by Senate Judiciary Committee 2/2/12.
Virginia HB 631 Provides that court decisions and contracts and other agreements will be void as violative of the public policy of the Commonwealth where such decisions or contracts are based on foreign law, i.e., law applied in a jurisdiction outside of the United States, where the application of such foreign law would violate a person's rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution or the Constitution of Virginia. Deferred to 2013 session by House Committee for Courts of Justice 1/30/12.
Virginia HB 825 Prohibits any Virginia court or administrative agency from applying the law of any jurisdiction outside of the United States and its territories unless the application is required by the United States Constitution, the Constitution of Virginia, or any federal or state law. Approved by House Committee on Courts and Criminal Code 2/3/12.
Qualifications and Terms: Newly Introduced
Georgia SB 351 Requires all municipal court judges receive same training. In Senate Committee on Judiciary.
Oklahoma SJR 85 Term limits. Provides for maximum of 12 years of service on Supreme Court or Court of Criminal Appeals. Prefiled (no committee).
Oklahoma SJR 88 Term limits. Provides for maximum of 12 years of service on District Courts. Prefiled (no committee)
Qualifications and Terms: Floor and Committee Activity
Florida HB 4055 Repeals provisions relating to restricting practice of law by retired justices, requirement to appoint Clerk of Supreme Court, requirement that clerk have office in Supreme Clerk Building, requirement that clerk perform duties as directed by court, & provision by which rules of court supersede statutes. Approved by full House 2/3/12.
Florida SJR 408 (Constitutional Amendment) Increases mandatory retirement age for judges from 70 to 75. Approved by Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations 1/31/12.
New Mexico HB 238 Requires Probate Judges be attorneys. Approved by House Tax and Revenue Committee 2/1/12.
South Dakota SB 76 ORIGINAL: Provides judge or justice reaching 70 may serve out current term. AMENDED: Provides Chief Justice of the Supreme Court may, from year to year, permit judges and justices to continue to serve, after attaining retirement age, for all or any portion of the unexpired term. Approved as amended by Rejected by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/31/12. Approved by full Senate 2/2/12.
Virginia SB 95 Adjusts the mandatory retirement age under judicial retirement to age 73 (currently 70). Approved by full Senate 1/30/12.
West Virginia SB 108 AS AMENDED: Requires magistrates to possess an associate's degree in criminal justice or have at least four years prior experience as a magistrate. Rejected by full Senate 1/31/12.
Rule Making Authority: Newly Introduced
West Virginia SB 473 Authorizes the Supreme Court of Appeals to determine which county law libraries are being used and should be continued as an obligation of the state. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Rule Making Authority: Floor and Committee Activity
West Virginia HB 4291 Authorizes the Supreme Court of Appeals to determine which county law libraries are being used and should be continued as an obligation of the state. Approved by full House 2/1/12.
Salary and Budget: Newly Introduced
Alaska HB 299 Authorizes civil legal services fund to receive up to 25% of the filing fees received by court system during prior fiscal year. In House Judiciary Committee.
Alaska HB 300 Alters geographic cost-of-living salary adjustments for justices of the supreme court and judges of the superior and district courts. In House Labor & Commerce Committee.
Arizona HB 2745 Closes state's retirement system to judges and others elected/hired after 2012. Replaces with defined contribution retirement system. In House Employment and Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Florida HB 7095 Requires clerks' case information system be used with Lottery winners to determine if debts owed to the court. Requires all circuit clerks use Comprehensive Case Information System of the Florida Association of Clerks and Comptroller, Inc., and submit electronic case data to the system based on the case types designated by the Supreme Court. Provides An action to collect court costs, fees, or fines owed to the state may be commenced at any time. Declares all criminal or civil judges previously entered by court become civil liens. In House Appropriations Committee.
Illinois HR 737 Requests Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability audit State-funded retirement systems, including Judge's Retirement System. In House Rules Committee.
Illinois SB 3231 Requires judiciary and all other branches/agencies in state government use zero-based budgets. In Senate Revenue Committee.
Louisiana HB 41 Alters various provisions related to federal tax qualification status of the Clerks' of Court Retirement and Relief Fund. In House Retirement Committee.
Maryland HB 249 Increases from 6% to 8% of earnable compensation the rate of member contributions for individuals who become members of the Judges' Retirement System on or after July 1, 2012. In House Appropriations Committee.
Maryland HJR 4 Sets judicial salaries for 2011-2013. In House Appropriations Committee.
Maryland SB 335 Increases from 6% to 8% of earnable compensation the rate of member contributions for individuals who become members of the Judges' Retirement System on or after July 1, 2012. In Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.
Maryland SB 444 Provides that an individual not already a member of the Judges' Retirement System may not join. In Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.
Maryland SJR 3 Sets judicial salaries for 2011-2013. In Senate Budget and Taxation Committee.
Minnesota HB 2000 Authorizes county boards to set and impose court security fees in civil and criminal matters for court security equipment and personnel. In House Judiciary Policy and Finance Committee.
Missouri HB 1542 Specifies that any "State agency", including "any state or municipal court", may refer to the Department of Revenue for collection debts owed to them and that the department may provide collection services on debts referred to the department by a state agency. In House (no committee).
New Mexico HB 270 Alters numerous provisions concerning age and eligibility for current and future members of the Judicial Retirement and Magistrate Retirement systems. In House Labor & Human Resources Committee
Oklahoma HJR 1093 Rejects 6% increase in the compensation for members of the State Judiciary as approved by the Board on Judicial Compensation on September 20, 2011. Prefiled (no committee).
Oklahoma SJR 62 (Constitutional Amendment) Requires the Uniform Retirement System for Justices and Judges to reach a certain funded ratio. Prefiled (no committee).
Oregon HB 4025 Reduces amount payable by municipal or justice court for deposit in Criminal Fine Account from $60 to $45. In House Judiciary Committee.
Oregon HB 4167 Alters various fees/fines payable to Municipal or Justice Court Criminal Fine Account In House Ways & Means Committee.
Oregon HB 4168 Alters numerous provisions related to fees in state court actions. In House Ways & Means Committee.
Rhode Island SB 2281 Requires adoption of zero-based budget by judiciary by 2016. In Senate Finance Committee.
West Virginia HB 4343 Provides for a sliding scale of required employee contributions which would result in reduction of employee contributions to the pension system. Increases for judges appointed or elected between July 1, 2005 and July 1, 2012 and their annuitants, benefits previously limited to judges appointed or elected prior to July 1, 2005. Provides that sitting judges fully vested and eligible for retirement would not have to continue to contribute to the pension system. In House Pensions and Retirement Committee.
West Virginia SB 471 Authorizes Supreme Court establish mental hygiene commissioners' compensation. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
West Virginia SB 472 Increasing the compensation caps for secretary-clerks and case coordinators in the family court. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
West Virginia SB 483 Eliminates two-tier salary system for court employees based on county population size. Provides that all magistrates, magistrate assistants, magistrate court clerks and deputy clerks be paid equally. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
West Virginia SB 486 Provides for a sliding scale of required employee contributions which would result in reduction of employee contributions to the pension system. Increases for judges appointed or elected between July 1, 2005 and July 1, 2012 and their annuitants, benefits previously limited to judges appointed or elected prior to July 1, 2005. Provides that sitting judges fully vested and eligible for retirement would not have to continue to contribute. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Salary and Budget: Floor and Committee Activity
Arizona HB 2283 Specifies that for state benefits purposes, "state employee" includes only those employed by the judicial branch whose salaries are paid for by the state. Approved by House Rules Committee 1/30/12.
Florida HB 4081 Repeals law stating that salary of judges of district courts of appeal shall be as provided by law. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 5403 Redirects revenue from filing fees for civil actions in circuit court relating to real property or mortgage foreclosure from State Courts Revenue Trust Fund to General Revenue Fund. Approved by In House Appropriations Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 5405 Removes the clerks of court and the Clerks of Court Operations Corporation from the state budget. Restores most budgetary functions and procedures in place in the statutes prior to the 2009 changes. Expands the role of the Legislative Budget Commission (LBC) in the clerks’ budget process. Approved by House Appropriations Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 971 Provides that if retired justice or judge is assigned to temporary duty, such assignment does not affect his or her eligibility for Florida Retirement System benefits. Removes requirement that attorney judicial nominating commission members be "engaged in the practice of law". Specifies appointments to a judicial nominating commission, except an appointment to fill a vacant, unexpired term, are for 4 years. Specifies that acts of judicial nominating commission must be made with concurrence of majority of its *current* members. Approved by House Government Operations Subcommittee 1/31/12.
Florida SB 882 Repealing provisions which prohibits the Supreme Court from taxing the costs of copies of records against the losing party under certain circumstances, etc. Approved by Senate Budget Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice Appropriations 1/31/12.
Georgia HB 542 Provides for transfer of service credit from the Georgia Judicial Retirement System to the Employees' Retirement System of Georgia. Approved by full House 2/1/12.
Georgia HB 648 Changes fees and assessments dedicated to funding legal services for indigent persons accused of crimes and delinquent acts. Approved by House Judiciary Non-Civil Committee 2/2/12.
Indiana HB 1002 Reenacts the public officers compensation advisory commission that was repealed in 2011. Approved by full House 1/30/12.
Indiana SB 235 ORIGINAL: Imposes a pro bono legal services fee of $1 on parties who file certain civil actions, small claims actions, and probate actions. Requires the pro bono legal services fees to be transferred to the Indiana Bar Foundation as the entity designated by the Indiana supreme court to organize and administer the interest on lawyers trust accounts (IOLTA) program. Requires the Indiana Bar Foundation to: (1) deposit in an appropriate account and otherwise manage the fees the foundation receives in the same manner it deposits and manages the net earnings the foundation receives from IOLTA accounts; and (2) use the fees the foundation receives to assist or establish approved pro bono legal services programs. AMENDED: Same, but provides specifies that the handling and expenditure of the pro bono legal services fees received by the Indiana Bar Foundation are subject to audit by the State Board of Accounts. Approved by full Senate 1/31/12.
Nebraska LB 576 Creates Nebraska Statutes Distribution Cash Fund for use by the Supreme Court to offset distribution costs. Approved by Executive Board 2/1/12.
New Mexico HB 188 Increases salaries for probate court judges, clerks of court, and other county officials. Approved by House Labor & Human Resources Committee 2/2/12.
New Mexico HB 72 Provides that certain amounts of the civil docket and jury fees be deposited into the General Fund. Provides contributions to judicial and magistrate retirement be provided from the General Fund. Increases contributions to judicial and magistrate retirement funds. Strikes existing law that defines "judicial retirement fund" as including "docket and jury fees of metropolitan courts, district courts, the court of appeals and the supreme court." Approved by House Appropriations and Finance Committee 2/2/12.
New Mexico SB 217 Increases from $4 to $7 temporary magistrate court operations fee charged on penalty assessment misdemeanors. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 2/3/12.
New Mexico SB 228 Alters percentages members of judicial retirement fund must contributed on annual basis. Approved by Senate Public Affairs Committee 2/2/12.
Ohio HB 197 Requires all moneys collected by the clerk of a municipal or county court be paid to the appropriate person, fund, or entity on or before the twentieth day of each month. Permits a municipal or county court to collect unpaid court costs, fees, or fines from an obligor's state income tax refund. Requires the Auditor of State to create and maintain a chart detailing the distribution of court costs, fees, and fines collected by municipal and county court clerks. Creates Committee on Court Costs. Requires Registrar nor any deputy registrar accepts any application for the issuance or renewal of a driver's license, commercial driver's license, or temporary instruction permit, or for the registration or transfer of registration of a motor vehicle of a person who fails to pay court costs imposed for offenses by a municipal mayor's, or county court. Approved by Senate Judiciary & Ethics Committee 2/2/12.
Virginia HB 837 Clarifies that local salary supplements may be paid to clerks and other local district court employees, excepting district court judges and substitute judges, wholly out of local funds. Approved by House Committee for Courts of Justice 1/30/12. Approved by full House 2/3/12.
Selection: Newly Introduced
Georgia HB 899 Moves judicial elections to July. In House Committee on Governmental Affairs.
New Mexico HB 310 Generally prohibits state contractors from contributing to judicial retention and other elections In House Rules Committee
Selection: Floor and Committee Activity
Arizona SB 1363 Provides that where county offices, including judicial offices, are vacated, the person appointed to fill the remainder of the term must be of the same political party as the former office holder. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/30/12.
Hawaii HB 2343 (Constitutional Amendment) Require the judicial selection committee to publicly disclose its list of nominees for appointment to the office of the chief justice, supreme court, intermediate appellate court, circuit courts, or district courts concurrently with its presentation of that list to the governor or the chief justice. Approved by House Judiciary Committee. 1/31/12.
West Virginia HB 4305 Authorizes the county commission to appoint a temporary successor if a vacancy occurs in office clerk of the circuit court or other county office. Approved by House Political Subdivisions Committee 2/2/12.
West Virginia HB 4314 Provides where a vacancy occurs in office of magistrate judge, person appointed must be of same political party as former officeholder. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Wisconsin AJR 49 (Constitutional Amendment) Ends practice where chief justice is most senior justice of the supreme court. Directs the supreme court to elect a chief justice as the first order of business each time a justice is elected or reelected. Approved by Assembly Judiciary Committee 2/2/12.
Structure Changes: Newly Introduced
Illinois HB 4619 Provides that a Veterans and Servicemembers Court may be established as a problem solving court and includes a mental health court. Deletes provisions that exclude from a Veterans and Servicemembers Court program or a mental health court program a defendant who has previously completed or has been discharged from such program within 3 years of that completion or discharge. In House Rules Committee.
Maryland HB 252 Creates Task Force on Military Service Members, Veterans, and the Courts to study military service-related mental health issues and substance abuse problems and to make recommendations concerning the establishment of a special court for defendants who are military members or veterans. In House Judiciary Committee.
Oklahoma SJR 83 (Constitutional Amendment) Abolishes Court of Criminal Appeals. Prefiled (no committee).
Wisconsin AJR 101 (Constitutional Amendment) Permits creation of subdivisions of Circuit Court in Milwaukee County only. In Assembly Judiciary Committee.
Structure Changes: Floor and Committee Activity
Arizona SB 1152 Authorizes but does not require creation of homeless courts as divisions of existing courts. Approved by Senate Judiciary Committee 1/30/12.
Florida HB 117 AS AMENDED: Authorizes the chief judge of each judicial circuit to establish a Military Veterans and Servicemembers Court Program for veterans and servicemembers who are convicted of a criminal offense and who suffer from a mental illness, traumatic brain injury (TBI), or substance abuse disorder as a result of their military service. Approved as amended by House Budget Committee's Justice Appropriations Subcommittee 1/30/12.
Hawaii HB 2798 Establishes a temporary Hawaii veterans' treatment court within the judiciary. Approved jointly by House Public Safety & Military Affairs Committee and House Health Committee 2/2/12.
Oregon HB 4026 ORIGINAL: Increases Court of Appeals from 10 to 13 members, effective 2013. AMENDED: Same, but increase Court of Appeals from 13 to 16 members effective 2015. Approved as amended by House Judiciary Committee 2/2/12.
Other: Newly Introduced
Alabama HB 99 would make it a crime to act, without authority, as a judge, magistrate, hearing officer, juror, clerk of court, or any other official with the authority to adjudicate the rights or interests of another, or to sign a document in this capacity as if authorized by state law. In House Judiciary Committee.
Alabama SB 138 Permits trial judges to serve as private judges. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Maine SB 622 Implements recommendations of the Commission To Study Priorities and Timing of Judicial Proceedings in State Courts, including docketing/calendaring priority for various matters. In Joint Committee on Judiciary.
New Mexico SJM 41 Requests administrative office of the courts and the New Mexico association of counties convene a task force and conduct a statewide study to examine alternative, non-judicial adjudicative procedures for traffic offenses. In Senate Rules Committee.
Oregon HB 4163 Changes title of "court security officer" to "judicial security marshal" and "court security personnel" to "judicial security personnel." Requires Department of Public Safety Standards and Training to certify individual members of judicial security personnel upon request of Security and Emergency Preparedness Office of Judicial Department, at office's expense. In House Judiciary Committee.
Utah HB 328 Removes requirement that Judicial Performance Evaluation Commission allow a judge who is the subject of a judicial performance evaluation to appear and speak at commission meetings before the judge's judicial performance is considered. Excludes juror responses from being included in the minimum performance standards. In House Rules Committee
Utah SB 100 Creates a self-help center within a court's law library. Requires that the self-help center be staffed by licensed attorneys. Allows the self-help center staff to assist court patrons in obtaining and filling out documents. Provides that self-help center staff are to answer questions regarding the court process, law, and options; provide information, but not give legal advice; and offer resources regarding the law library and other avenues for legal assistance. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Utah SB 154 Includes court commissioners in the definition of at-risk government employee for purposes of privacy of government-held information related to individuals/officeholders. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Utah SB 169 allows the Utah Supreme Court to appoint a justice court judge to the Judicial Conduct Commission. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Wisconsin AB 505 Permits transfer of case involving veteran to a county that has a veterans' court. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
West Virginia SB 474 Exempts supreme court justices and retired justices from the prohibitions against carrying concealed weapons. In Senate Judiciary Committee.
Other: Floor and Committee Activity
Florida HB 149 Provides that legal publication, advertisement, or notice of foreclosure action may be placed on publicly accessible Internet website approved by Florida Clerks of Court Operations Corporation. Rejected by House Judiciary Committee Civil Justice Subcommittee 1/31/12.
Florida HB 481 AS AMENDED: Provides guidelines for electronic filing of documents. Requires clerks to seal or expunge certain court documents upon court order. Requires persons filing a written request to have their personal information protected under the general agency personnel information public record exemption to specify the document type, name, identification number, and page number of the court record or official record. Increases the minimum amount the clerks are required to refund without a written request in the event of an overpayment from $5 to $10. Limits the state agency exemption from payment of court-related fees to the state agency and the party it is representing. Authorizes the filing of electronic affidavits regarding publication of a legal advertisement. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 631 Repeals provisions relating to regular terms of Supreme Court & circuit courts; requiring judge to attend first day of each term of circuit court; requirement for judge to state reason for nonattendance, penalty for nonattendance of judge, adjournment of circuit court upon nonattendance of judge, calling all cases on docket at end of each term, regular terms of district courts of appeal, special terms of district courts of appeal, requirement that criminal trials be heard in term of court prior to civil cases, & requirement that persons in custody be arraigned & tried in term of court unless good cause is shown; conforms provisions. Allows Supreme Court to set terms of court for Supreme Court, district courts of appeal, & circuit courts. Provides that appellate courts may withdraw mandate within 120 days after its issuance. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 4067 Repeals provisions relating to compensation of marshals of district courts of appeal. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Florida HB 4069 Repeals provisions relating to requirement that county courts be open for voluntary pleas of guilty at all times, Sundays excepted. In House Judiciary Committee. Approved by House Judiciary Committee 2/1/12.
Idaho SB 1222 Deletes references to probate judges and justices of the peace, which were abolished in 1971. Approved by full Senate 2/2/12.
New Hampshire HB 1348 Establishes that the statute of limitations for any complaint against a judge filed with the judicial conduct committee is 2 years from the conclusion of the trial or appeal during which the act which is the subject of the complaint occurred. Approved by full House 2/1/12.
Tennessee SB 2671 Abolishes the court of judiciary. Creates 16-member board of judicial conduct. Changes the burden of proof to investigate a judge to probable cause that misconduct occurred from substantial likelihood that it did. Approved by Senate Committee on Government Operations 2/1/12.
Virginia HB 1250 Adds to the ranks of the honorary members of the Judicial Conference of Virginia the deans of the Liberty University School of Law and the Appalachian School of Law. Approved by full House 2/3/12.
Virginia HB 1284 Clarifies when the clerk of the court may destroy case file papers. Approved by House Committee for Courts of Justice. Civil Subcommittee 1/30/12.
Virginia HB 484 Provides that the operational expenses associated with providing secure remote access to land records includes locating technology in an offsite facility for purposes of improving public access or for the implementation of a disaster recovery plan. The bill extends the prohibition on selling or posting data accessed by secure remote access to include land records. Further requires the Executive Secretary of the Supreme Court to establish security and data standards for interfacing between a circuit court's case management or financial management system and the systems of the Supreme Court. Approved by House Committee for Courts of Justice 2/3/12.
Virginia HB 745 Requires the Supreme Court to develop a weighted caseload system to assess judicial caseloads throughout the Commonwealth, and using that system, requires the Court to determine the need for judicial positions and the optimum distribution of judicial positions throughout the Commonwealth and to prepare a recommended plan for the realignment of the circuit boundaries. Approved by House Committee for Courts of Justice 1/30/12. Approved by Committee on Appropriations General Government Subcommittee 2/1/12.
Virginia HJR 111 Requests the Judicial Council of Virginia to study the jurisdictional capacity of the Court of Appeals and whether such capacity should be expanded. Approved by House Committee on Rules Studies Subcommittee 2/2/12.
Virginia SB 251 Adds convenience fee for paying court fees by credit or debit card. Provides that judgments for certain circuit court assessments and fees shall be entered in favor of the Commonwealth if not fully paid within 15 days of the date of sentencing. Approved by Senate Committee for Courts of Justice 1/30/12.