The role of the PIO

Responsibilities of the PIO

  • Provide the media with information, fact check stories and provide the public with an accurate understanding of the proceedings.
  • Use sound judgment and discretion when presenting issues or questions to the presiding judge. It is in everyone’s best interest to settle outstanding questions/issues before a trial begins.
  • Develop effective relationships between the court and media based on trust. Courts should work toward building this trust while maintaining impartiality. If the court is  unable to accommodate a request or answer a question, be sure to provide an explanation and/or response. Be sure to “stay in your lane” and only comment on matters within the court’s purview.  (Example: “We are unable to comment because it would require a legal opinion” or “That question should be addressed by the agency responsible for those functions.”)
  • Establish a regular routine for providing updates and disseminate briefing details to all who have expressed interest in the case. Inform the media about where and when updates will be available – court website, social media, text message, outgoing voice recordings, etc. (Example: State v. Chauvin, Trial Timeline)
  • Consider forming a media committee or consortium to streamline requests and facilitate information sharing. These groups can be especially helpful if the court has a large number of media who are not familiar with the court, community, or each other. Convening this peer-managed group can help the court and other stakeholders centralize communication and set expectations regarding decorum, courtroom seating, pool assignments, workspace availability, resources, and other matters.
  • Create resources to assist the media and public in understanding court processes and procedures. Examples may include media advisories, court reference guides and other tools that can assist the media in obtaining official information, reduce inquiries to court staff, and provide education about roles and responsibilities. (Example: Reporters’ Guide to Nebraska Trial Court Procedures, Los Angeles Superior Court Fact Sheet and Media Guide to the Idaho Courts
  • Coordinate public information and statements with court partners as needed.

For information about the role of a public information officer, to connect with experienced court public information officers or for more specific guidance, visit the Conference of Court Public Information Officers on the web.