State Court Pandemic/Public Health Plans


California Administrative Office of the Courts
“Epidemics and the California Courts.”
Revised March 26, 2020. 



    Florida Unified Supreme Court/Branch Court Emergency Management Group.
“Florida State Courts Strategy for Pandemic Influenza: Keeping the Courts Open in a Pandemic.”
March 2006.
     Pennsylvania Administrative Office of the Courts
“Courthouse Preparedness for Public Health Emergencies: Critical Issues for Bioterror/Biohazard Preparedness Planning.”
January 2006.
    "Guidelines for Pandemic
Emergency Preparedness Planning:
A Road Map for Courts"

April 2007
(permanent link)


Florida State Courts Pandemic Influenza Planning Template. This template is an additional planning tool to help local courts prepare for a possible influenza pandemic. (permanent link)
- Find Florida's pandemic strategy, benchguide, best practices and more here. (permanent link)

Pandemic Preparedness. These sections are excerpted from the KANSAS SJI Project
Conducted by NCSC- Court Consulting Services Division.

CDC's Public Health Law Program. This site focuses on legal preparedness issues.

American University: Pandemic Influenza Preparedness (permanent link)

BJA - Information on Public Health Emergencies

The Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) recognizes that public health emergencies, whether an epidemic or pandemic influenza, biological terrorist attack, or natural disaster with public health implications can threaten America's justice system and place the rule of law at risk. BJA has undertaken a broad-scope initiative to identify the critical planning and response objectives for local justice systems and to identify lessons learned and promising approaches in preparing the justice system for such emergencies.

BJA Pandemic Planning for Courts (permanent link)

Featured resources:

2010 Public Health Report by the National Center for Biotechnology Information. State Courts and Public Health: Building Partnerships to Enhance Preparedness. (permanent link)

A Framework for Improving Cross-Sector Coordination for Emergency Preparedness and Response: Action Steps for Public Health, Law Enforcement, the Judiciary and Corrections (permanent link)

Coordinated Implementation of Community Response Measures (Including Social Distancing) to Control the Spread of Pandemic Respiratory Disease: A Guide for Developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Public Health, Law Enforcement, Corrections, and the Judiciary (permanent link)

BJA, with support from the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), developed and released The Role of Law Enforcement in Public Health Emergencies: Special Considerations for an All-Hazards Approach, designed to guide law enforcement planning efforts related to public health emergencies. (permanent link)