
Language Access Coordinator Contact
Todd Russell
Phone: (334) 954-5052

Joy Evans
Phone: (334) 954-5014
Alabama Administrative Office of the Courts
300 Dexter Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104-300


Code of Ethics or Rules of Professional Conduct

Language Access Plan

Interpreter Statutes and Rules: Alabama Code Section 15-1-3 (foreign language interpreters); 12-21-131 et sq. (sign language interpreters) 

Coordination/Supervision of Interpreters: They are appointed by the judge as needed.

Cost of Interpreter Services ( including fees to freelance and salaries of staff interpreters): Unknown

Budget for Language Access Program (not including direct interpreter services): $0 - $19,200

Funding for Language Access Program: From the State General Fund and funds from registration fees for the written and oral exams.

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (spoken language): AOC does not have foreign language interpreters on staff.

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (sign language): AOC does not have sign language interpreters on staff.

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified spoken language):

$25 (“Registered Only” with AOC, passed background and E-verify checks)

$30 (“Conditionally Approved” - Registered with AOC, passed background and E-verify checks, passed Written Exam with a score of 80% or higher and attended Orientation Seminar)

$35 (“Journeyman” – Registered with AOC, passed background and E-verify checks, passed Written Exam with a score of 80% or higher and attended Orientation Seminar, and passed oral exam: 60% or higher on simultaneous & consecutive portions and 55% or higher on English to foreign language and foreign language to English sight translation portions)

$40 (“Certified”- Registered with AOC, passed background and E-verify checks, passed Written Exam with a score of 80% or higher and attended Orientation Seminar, and pass oral exam: 70% or higher on simultaneous & consecutive portions and 65% or higher on English to foreign language and foreign language to English sight translation portions for an average of 70% or higher overall.

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified sign language): Sign language interpreters register with the Alabama Registry of Interpreters for the Deaf (ALRID).  For their pay scale contact ALRID at the following: Email: or  Website:

Difference in Pay between Spanish and LOTS Interpreters: There is no difference in pay for Spanish interpreters verus other target languages. All interpreters are paid according to their level of expertise.  There are exceptions when an interpreter is paid a higher fee that what is on the state pay scale.  This would involve the court being unable to locate an interpreter for an unusual language or dialect within Alabama and must secure an interpreter from another state.

Minimum Certification Requirements: Register with AOC – pass background and E-verify checks, pass the Written Exam by 80%, attend an Orientation Seminar and pass the oral exam with a score of 70% or higher on both the simultaneous and consecutive portions and pass the English to foreign language and the foreign language to English sight translation portions by 65% or higher with an over score of 70% or higher.

Dates and Locations of Testing and Training: Unknown

Additional Information:

Alabama Unified Judicial System Policies and Procedures for Foreign Language Interpreters