
Language Access Coordinator Contact
Alejandra M. Donath, Program Manager
Interpreter and Translator Services
90 Washington Street, 3rd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106
Phone: (860) 706-5042

Code of Ethics or Rules of Professional Conduct  

Language Access Plan

Interpreter Statutes and Rules: Not applicable

Coordination/Supervision of Interpreters: From the central office of Interpreter and Translator Services Unit. There are also Lead Court Interpreters out in the field.

Cost of Interpreter Services (including fees to freelance and salaries of staff interpreters): $4,000.000.00

Budget for Language Access Program (not including direct interpreter services) : under $50,000.00

Funding for Language Access Program: General budget

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (spoken language): $50,874 - $79,398

Compensation Range for Salaried Interpreters (sign language): Unknown

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified spoken language): Unknown

Compensation Range for Freelance Interpreters (certified sign language): Unknown

Difference in Pay between Spanish and LOTS Interpreters: None for salaried interpreters.

Minimum Certification Requirements

2019 Dates and Locations of Testing and Training: ​Unknown