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News about diversity and racial justice in the state courts

Sixteen state courts participate in groundbreaking workshop for racial justice education

National Center for State Courts, June 12, 2024

Sixteen teams of judges, judicial educators, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) directors participated in a racial justice capacity-building education workshop earlier this year in Arizona, gaining valuable tools and best practices for developing and facilitating productive training initiatives.

Judiciary sees progress in effort to improve bench and bar diversity

Delaware Business Now, May 16, 2024

The Delaware Judiciary has released a follow-up report to its 2022 Strategic Plan to Improve Diversity in the Delaware Bench and Bar. During a Delaware State Bar Association event, Chief Justice Collins J. Seitz, Jr., reported that nearly two-thirds of the plan's 50 recommendations have been implemented or will be put into action in the coming months.

NCSC convening strengthens network of court DEI professionals

National Center for State Courts, May 8, 2024

The Second National Convening of Court Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Professionals brought together court DEI officers, judges, administrators, human resource managers, and others to discuss strategies to overcome bias, improve fairness, and strengthen equal access to justice.

Justice Dept. presses local courts to reduce fines

The New York Times,  April 20, 2023

The Justice Department has informed local judges and juvenile courts that imposing fines and fees without accounting for a person's financial status violates constitutional protections against cruel and unusual punishment. Texas Supreme Court Chief Justice Nathan L. Hecht says he has long pushed to eliminate the fee system in his state, adding that it penalizes poverty and hurts the state by pushing marginal offenders onto the fringes of society and deeper into the criminal justice system.

Judicial Roundtable Promoting Equity and Fairness Within the Court System

State of Nebraska Judicial Branch, February 13, 2023

Justices, judges, system administrators, probation, and parole from across the upper-Midwest gathered in Omaha to discuss the Blueprint for Racial Justice.  During Nebraska's Judicial roundtable, presentations were made on improving racial equality by intensifying efforts to ensure all court users, litigants, and community members are heard and respected by the nation's justice system.