Data and Analysis

November 2024

Fair and Impartial? An Equity Process Analysis Guide for Understanding Court Performance

Developed to assist in identifying whether differences in court services or outcomes exist among racial groups,  this resource walks courts through the steps involved in identifying outcomes of interest, pinpointing decision points leading to outcomes of interest, data collection at those decision points, analysis of those data, and how to interpret the results of these analyses. This Blueprint for Racial Justice resource also provides examples of policy responses to address detected disparities or disproportionalities in processes or outcomes.

December  2022
Diversity on the Bench

A component of the Court Statistics Project, this State Courts Organization report highlights demographic data of judges and offers recommendations for improving diversity.

A May 2022 update of State Court Organization - Demographics presents detailed comparative information about how state trial and appellate courts are organized and administered. This update includes judicial demographic information on gender, race and ethnicity.

October 2022

Inferring Race and Ethnicity Demographics from U.S. Census Data: Testing the Feasibility for Use in State Court Disparity Analysis

This white paper explores the feasibility of imputing race and ethnicity data from the U.S. Census when good quality administrative data on self-reported race and ethnicity is not available to state courts. The analysis also provides implications court researchers should consider when using this approach. This Blueprint for Racial Justice white paper expands upon work published in Eliminating  Shadows and Ghosts: Findings from a Study of Inclusiveness, Representativeness, and Record Accuracy in Master Jury Lists and Juror Source Lists in Three States.

May 2022
State Court Organization  - Demographics

A component of the Court Statistics Project, State Courts Organization presents detailed comparative information about how state trial and appellate courts are organized and administered. This update includes judicial demographic information on gender, race and ethnicity.

April 2022
Research on pretrial assessment, release and detention

This session covers information essential for advancing the pretrial system in your state. Topics include the empirical research, important issues and practical considerations of pretrial assessment; actuarial assessment tools, including bias and disparity; the effectiveness of pretrial release conditions; and the harms of pretrial detention. Participants learn how the empirical research has supported the historical and legal foundations of the pretrial system in the United States.

March 2022
Collecting Race & Ethnicity Data, Court Statistics Project

Since the Civil Rights Movement, the stated purpose of collecting agency data on race and ethnicity has been to document inequality. Courts have an affirmative responsibility to provide justice in a way that is both accessible and fair, and perceived as accessible and fair, for all.