Judiciary Committees
*New* Kansas – Supreme Court Ad Hoc Artificial Intelligence Committee
Rhode Island - Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
Hawaii - Order Establishing the Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
Georgia - Judicial Council Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
Arizona - Arizona Steering Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
California - The Judicial Branch of California Artificial Intelligence Task Force
Connecticut – Judicial Branch Artificial Intelligence Committee
Georgia - Technology Committee, AI Subcommittee
Illinois - Illinois Supreme Court Forms Generative AI Task Force
New Jersey - Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
New York
Vermont - Vermont Judiciary Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts
State Bar Association Taskforces/Committees
Florida - Special Committee on AI Tools & Resources | Ethics opinion
Kentucky - Kentucky AI Task Force
Maryland - The Maryland State Bar Association Artificial Intelligence Task Force
Minnesota – Minnesota State Bar Association Working Group on AI