State Task Forces / Committees

Judiciary Committees

*New* Kansas – Supreme Court Ad Hoc Artificial Intelligence Committee

Rhode Island -  Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

Hawaii - Order Establishing the Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

Georgia -  Judicial Council Ad Hoc Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

Arizona - Arizona Steering Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

California - The Judicial Branch of California Artificial Intelligence Task Force

Connecticut – Judicial Branch Artificial Intelligence Committee

Georgia - Technology Committee, AI Subcommittee

Illinois - Illinois Supreme Court Forms Generative AI Task Force

New Jersey - Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

New York

New York Appellate Division, Second Dept. - Study the Interplay of AI and the Courts of the Appellate Division, Second Dept

Chief Administrative Judge Joseph A. Zayas Names Advisory Panel to Study the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the New York State Courts

Vermont - Vermont Judiciary Committee on Artificial Intelligence and the Courts

State Bar Association Taskforces/Committees

Report and Recommendations of the New York State Bar Association Task Force on Artificial Intelligence

The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, Artificial Intelligence and The New York State
Judiciary: A Preliminary Path

California - The State’s Bar Committee on Professional Responsibility and Conduct - Practical Guidance For The Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence In The Practice Of Law

Florida - Special Committee on AI Tools & ResourcesEthics opinion

Illinois - Illinois State Bar Association AI Committee -Recommendations to the ISBA Board of Governors

Kentucky - Kentucky AI Task Force

Maryland - The Maryland State Bar Association Artificial Intelligence Task Force

Minnesota – Minnesota State Bar Association Working Group on AI

New York - New York State Bar Association Task Force To Address Emerging Policy Challenges Related to Artificial Intelligence

Texas Taskforce for the Responsible AI in the Law (TRAIL)

ABA - Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence