Statutes and Proposed Legislation

California AB 2811  Artificial intelligence: legal professionals - This bill would express the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation that would require legal professionals to disclose to the court whether they have used artificial intelligence or machine learning to prepare any pleadings, motions, or other documents filed with any court in this state.

New York Senate Bill S8390 - Sets rules and procedures for the admissibility of evidence created or processed by artificial intelligence.

Federal – H.R. 6881 AI Foundation Model Transparency Act of 2023 - The AI Foundation Model Transparency Act would: 1) Direct the FTC, in consultation with NIST, the Copyright Office, and OSTP, to set transparency standards for foundation model deployers, by asking them to make certain information publicly available to consumers; 2) Direct companies to provide consumers and the FTC with information on the model’s training data, model training mechanisms, and whether user data is collected in inference; and 3) Protect small deployers and researchers, while seeking responsible transparency practices from our highest-impact foundation models.

Connecticut P.A. 23-16 - An Act Concerning Artificial Intelligence, Automated Decision-Making And Personal Data Privacy

National Conference of State Legislatures - Artificial Intelligence 2023 Legislation