Education Center


The Thomson Reuters Institute/NCSC AI Policy Consortium is designed to inform and educate the judiciary and other legal professionals about the opportunities and challenges of evolving AI and Generative AI solutions to assist judges in making informed decisions about adoption and use. In this new AI and the Courts webinar series, the consortium will host monthly discussions about key AI topics.

Upcoming Webinars

Ethics of Generative AI: A Guide for Judges and Legal Professionals

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1 p.m. ET

"Ethics of Generative AI: A Guide for Judges and Legal Professionals" will introduce the ethical considerations surrounding generative AI technologies and explore core issues judges and legal professionals must consider when navigating the intersection of law and technology. Whether you are new to the topic or looking to deepen your understanding, this session will provide valuable insights and actionable guidance to help you navigate the ethical complexities of generative AI.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to:

  • Define what generative AI is and its capabilities and applications in legal contexts.
  • Understand ethical dilemmas and implications posed by AI systems, such as bias, transparency, accountability, and the need for human oversight.
  • Examine legal Frameworks and standards related to AI and generative AI and what new guidelines or considerations might be necessary.
  • Access practical tools and resources that provide guidance on handling generative AI-related issues.

The session will be led by David Sachar, director of NCSC’s Center for Judicial Ethics, and Carter Cousineau, Vice President of Data and Model Governance at Thomson Reuters. Sachar joined NCSC in 2023 and previously served as the executive director of the Arkansas Judicial Discipline & Disability Commission. He is an emeritus member of the board of directors of the Association of Judicial Disciplinary Counsel and a member of the board of directors of the Institute for African Women in the Law. Cousineau leads a global team at Thomson Reuters focused on advancing the technology industry with ethical practices. She has extended her work in AI through her advisory involvement with the AI Safety Consortium at the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the University of Toronto’s Data Sciences Institute, and International Association of Privacy Professionals.

Register today for this outstanding opportunity to stay informed about the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology and its implications for the judicial system.

Past Webinars

August 28: Fundamentals of  AI in the US Court System


Stanford University, Hallucination-Free? Assessing the Reliability of Leading AI Legal Research Tools (2024)

AI 101: The Promises and Perils of AI in the Courts (2023)
Court and legal experts demystify the basics of artificial intelligence during this discussion.

AI and the Impact on the Practice of Law (2023)
Learn about legal factors such as bias in AI, ethical and regulatory considerations, and the impact of AI on law firms.

Impact of AI in the Courts (2023)
Panelists share insights from their roles on the bench and in court technology leadership and provide guidance on what courts can do now to be future-ready for future impacts.

Beyond ChatGPT: How can AI tools help you? (2023)
Gain insights from NCSC’s experience using large language models, such as ChatGPT, to extract data from court documents.

Tiny Chat 138: Sea of Junk (2024)
Understand the challenges faced by court users trying to navigate the legal system through misinformation and learn if AI can help or hinder the user experience.

A Description of AI and Court Use Cases  (2023)
Discover how natural language processing (NLP) and related technologies can be used in civil case management.

Steps Towards a Successful Implementation of AI (2023)
Learn tips on successful implementation of natural language processing (NLP) and related technologies.

*New* Artificial Intelligence, Part Two, with Justin Forkner of the Indiana Judicial Branch and Stacey Marz of the Alaska Court System, Lady Justice: Women of the Court podcast

Artificial Intelligence, Part One, with Professor Amy Cyphert. Lady Justice: Women of the Court podcast