Jury Operations

Jury duty is a public service performed by hundreds of thousands of Americans each year. In many instances, jury duty is the only exposure many of these Americans will have with the justice system. Therefore, it is imperative that jury assembly areas be comfortable places for potential jurors to wait and receive their orientation to jury service.

Potential jurors are requested to report to the courthouse. Citizens reporting for jury duty should be treated with dignity and made to feel as comfortable as possible. All amenities should be provided within a controlled area. In large courthouses, where several jury trials may be held on the same day, the size of the jury pool may be large, requiring special dedicated areas. In smaller courthouses where the need for jury trials is limited, no special areas may be needed except an enlarged jury deliberation room or conference room. In some smaller communities, the courtroom may double as the jury assembly area.

Jury deliberation rooms must protect the privacy of the jurors and their deliberations and ensure confidentiality. They should comfortably accommodate the the size of the jury (6-8 or 14 persons), and be equipped with both men's and women's toilets.To accommodate the unique responsibilities of a Grand Jury, the suite of rooms for Grand Jury Operations may include a hearing room, entry vestibule, interview room, juror lounge, waiting areas, deliberation room and restrooms.

Jury Lounge - Mecklenburg County Courthouse, Charlotte, North Carolina