
Alaska Justice for All Web Page
Alaska Justice for All Strategic Action Plan 

Strategic Planning Grant: 2016
Implementation Grant: 2018

Alaska’s plan priorities are to build an ecosystem of justice services and bridge across providers by educating and training them about legal information and services and by improving technological capacity. 

Its action plan includes:

  • Educating medical, social and information service providers about legal information and services;
  • Developing training curricula and “legal checkup” tools for providers and their clients;
  • Expanding technical capacity with the creation of a Legal Access Platform and improved 2-1-1 system;
  • Developing a legal incubator to train attorneys to build low-cost legal service practices;
  • Creating a professional pathway for paraprofessionals to provide legal assistance in rural communities;
  • Embedding legal resource representatives in established networks; and
  • Testing efficacy of building networks by addressing the consequences of debt collection and evaluating the outcome of efforts.

Its implementation projects include:

(1) Building human and technical capacity through training and partnerships to extend justice-related service delivery;

a. Participate in the team working with Microsoft to develop the Legal Access Platform and facilitate connection with stakeholders – curated content review, immersion study/inclusive design assistance, integration with existing services such as United Way/2-1-1, outreach to providers about platform;

b. Educating medical, social service and information service providers about legal information/services;

(2) Testing the efficacy of Alaska’s approach to expanding access to justice within the context of debt collection;

a. Developing plain language court forms for debt collection cases;

b. Creating content about debt collection cases for the Alaska Court System self-help website;

c. Conducting bench-bar meetings between creditor attorneys and judges to discuss and identify debt collection issues; and

d. Reviewing court rules and proposing changes that promote fairness and opportunities for debtors to participate in debt collection cases. 

Point persons: Stacey Marz and Jeannie Sato (Alaska Court System)