New Mexico

New Mexico Justice for All Web Page

Strategic Planning Grant: 2018

The New Mexico Commission on Access to Justice completed its JFA Strategic Action Plan in October 2019. The planning process included an inventory of gaps and services available in the state, community listening sessions around the state, and one-on-one stakeholder meetings.

The New Mexico Supreme Court adopted the Commission’s JFA plan unanimously and enthusiastically, and New Mexico has begun the implementation phase of its Justice for All work.

The plan places an emphasis on incorporating court user perspectives to inform the Commission’s work in an ongoing and systemic way. To assist with this, the Commission has used some planning grant funds to hire a community engagement consultant who will assist the Commission in creating a structure for user feedback. Some other plan highlights include: a statewide self-help center that can be accessed remotely; an online portal that will guide users to the resources and services they need; plain language forms; protocols for smaller form packets so court-users can receive only the specific form or forms they need; and appropriate courthouse signage to ensure courts are user-friendly.

Point persons: Liz McGrath and Judge Nan Nash (ret.) (Access to Justice Commission)