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New guidance, resources assist courts planning for GenAI

New guidance, resources assist courts planning for GenAI

August 28, 2024 -- Ascourts continue to examine the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) and Generative AI (GenAI), judges, administrators, and staff can turn to NCSC for a growing library of events, tools, and resources.

The AI Rapid Response Team (RRT) has published a new comprehensive report, Guidance for Use of AI and Generative AI in Courts, that highlights GenAI's potential benefits and challenges for courts and offers insights and recommendations for judges and court staff to start their GenAI journey. An accompanying infographic, Preparing Your Court for AI, outlines eight steps for successful AI implementation.

Today at 1 p.m. ET, the TRI/NCSC AI Policy Consortium for Law and Courts will host its first webinar, Fundamentals of AI in the U.S. Court System. This joint initiative with the Thomson Reuters Institute focuses on educating the judiciary about AI opportunities and challenges. The second webinar in the series, Ethics of Generative AI: A Guide for Judges and Legal Professionals, will be held on September 18. Future topics will include AI’s impact on the judicial and legal workforce and how AI can enhance court efficiency.

NCSC resources, education, and guidance

Beyond the work of the AI RRT and TRI/NCSC AI Policy Consortium for Law and Courts, NCSC continues to house a number of resources to guide judges, court staff, and legal professionals through the complexities of AI.

Discover more on AI in through these offerings:

  • Trending Topics Tech Series: These articles delve into specific areas, including judicial ethics, AI in Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), and cybersecurity considerations.
  • Introduction to AI for Courts: This comprehensive document by the Joint Technology Committee provides a solid foundation for understanding AI in the court system.
  • Technology & AI Webinars: NCSC's Vimeo channel houses webinars and videos about AI's impact on the courts, its uses to improve court processes, and the steps toward its successful implementation.
  • Data Dives: This forum explores data analytics to help courts address their data challenges. Discussions also include the growing use of AI in data utilization and collection.

Access a wealth of information about AI at

Call for Trends in State Courts 2025 abstracts

Trends in State Courts is an annual, peer-reviewed publication that highlights innovative practices in critical areas that are of interest to courts, and often serves as a guide for developing new initiatives and programs, as well as informing and supporting policy decisions. Trends in State Courts is the only publication of its kind and enjoys a wide circulation among the state court community.

Submissions for the 2025 edition are now being accepted. Please email abstracts of no more than 500 words by October 14, to John Holtzclaw. Abstracts received after this date are welcome and will be considered for later editions. Visit the Trends in State Courts webpage for detailed article submission guidelines.