A review of state legislation affecting the courts
April 14, 2023 -- Since 2006, Gavel to Gavel has tracked state-by-state legislative activity with potential impact on state courts.
Notable legislation includes:
- Bills focused on judicial disciplinary proceedings and commissions advance in Colorado, Montana, and Tennessee; legislation focuses on removing or altering confidentiality of proceedings, publicly reporting names of judges who have had complaints filed against them, and expanding the ability to appeal dismissed complaints.
- New Hampshire legislature approves constitutional amendment to raise the mandatory judicial retirement age from 70 to 75; voters will decide the issue on the November 2024 ballot.
- New Mexico governor vetoes bill to tie state judicial salaries to the salary of federal magistrate judges.
- Florida bill to protect the personal information of judicial staff clears Senate; Oklahoma bill to protect information about judges and their families clears Senate committee.
- Montana resolution to declare Marbury v. Madison misinterpreted rejected by House; Senate had previously approved the measure.
- Texas Senate approves plan to end per curium decisions; bill requires courts to list the authors of any opinion.