Jur-E Bulletin Editor Moves Onward
After almost 20 years of service as a judicial fellow at NCSC and long-time editor of the Jur-E Bulletin, Judge Greg Mize (ret.) shares this note:
Dear readers, I have submitted my resignation from NCSC employment. This is not simply retirement from a job. More accurately, I am undertaking a “re-tiring” — securing new traction for continuing public education about jury trials, professional writing, and private adjudications. It has been an honor to work with many chief justices, court administrators, judges, lawyers, and all manner of justice professionals. I am grateful for collaborations with many gifted NCSC employees. I especially give thanks for the likes of Paula HannafordAgor, Tom Munsterman, Hope Forbush, Tim Hughes, JoAnne Richardson, and Patricia Stanley.
If you would like to stay in touch, these are my active email addresses gemproduction@mac.com and gem36@georgetown.edu. My mobile phone number is 202607-6111.