Tiny Chats

What are Tiny Chats?

Tiny Chats are bite-sized annotated videos that touch on specific access to justice topics and court operations.

Our most recent Tiny Chat

Tiny Chat 146: Remote Appearance Project: Illinois by the Numbers

A recent Illinois study offered important insight into some of the tangible and quantifiable benefits remote and hybrid hearings can have for rural courts, legal aid providers, and court users.

Sarah Song, Supervising Senior Program Manager at the Administrative Office of Illinois Courts, and Diane Goffinet, Managing Attorney for the Southern Regional Office of Land of Lincoln Legal Aid, join us to share this important work, explain the pilot program, and break down their research by the numbers.

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Most recent Tiny Chats

Tiny Chat 144: Forms Camp 2024

Forms Camp is back! Don’t miss your chance to apply for Forms Camp 2024, generously supported by the State Justice Institute. Get expert help to improve your forms from NCSC staff, national experts, and peers from across the country. Topics include plain language, user testing, automation, translation, design, and more! Applications are due by July 1, 2024. Learn more at ncsc.org/formscamp.

Tiny Chat 143: The Elevator Effect

We all know collegiality matters, but do you know why and how? Join a discussion with Morgan Hazelton (St. Louis University), Rachael Hinkle (U. of Buffalo), and Michael Nelson (Penn State) to discuss their groundbreaking (and C. Herman Pritchett Award winning) new book The Elevator Effect: Contact and Collegiality in the American Judiciary. Using a novel dataset, these three political scientists develop and test a theory of judicial behavior and legal development based on interpersonal interactions among judges. Their results have important implications for courts and judges and judicial scholars, and they share some practical ways courts can leverage these learnings. All in one short elevator ride! Enjoy the Tiny Chat and grab your copy of the book!

The Tiny Chats Team