Our most recent Tiny Chat
Tiny Chat 155: Bullying in the Legal Profession
The Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism released an important study on the prevalence and impact of bullying in the Illinois legal profession, along with best practices for prevention. The study presents data from a survey of more than 6,000 Illinois lawyers and identifies several concerning trends regarding the frequency and severity of workplace bullying, which affects lawyer wellness, productivity, and retention. We were fortunate to be joined by Erika N. L. Harold, Executive Director of the Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Professionalism, who shared key findings from the report and important recommendations for preventing workplace bullying.
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Most recent Tiny Chats
Tiny Chat 154: Pew Charitable Trusts Civil Court Modernization Principles
We are about to rock your world! We are joined by Casey Chiapetta, Principal Associate, Research & Policy from the Pew Charitable Trusts, to learn about a civil court modernization framework and related toolkit, which outlines Pew's research and rationale for modernization. The Pew toolkit is modular and has lots of components of interest for courts for all sizes, funding and staffing levels to implement change. Please watch the Tiny Chat and check out the related resources.
Tiny Chat 153: Remote Hearings, Oldies, but Goodies
We are feeling a little nostalgic, and so we decided to showcase some of our favorite things that are older, but still cool, like records, board games, and remote hearings.
Remote court services and remote hearings proved to be invaluable during the COVID pandemic, offering a practical way to continue legal proceedings while keeping health and safety paramount. In this Tiny Chat, we remind everyone of many reasons that remote hearings remain ever important as a strategy to meet the needs of all court users.
Tiny Chats: