
This section of the website is designed to guide a court considering implementing ODR. The categories below represent the recommended chronological steps a court should take to begin a pilot project. Mission and Standing Order come first because they should reflect the court's goals and reasons for implementing ODR, as well as the practical matter of how it will work within existing procedures. Vendor comes last because courts should define their mission and procedural changes required, memorialize that in an RFP/RFI and consider how those will be integrated into a contract. The vendor chosen should be responsive to the court's needs and goals and the conversation should start with "how does this product help the court achieve its stated goals?" rather than "here is what this product can do."

Your court will need to enact a standing order that describes the reasons for implementing an ODR system and the procedural and logistical changes that have been put into effect to enable that system.

How does your court currently operate, and how will those operations change with ODR? This section will help you design an ODR system that achieves court goals and is mindful of the needs of users.

ODR Resolution Design Framework

ODR Design Framework Decision Guide

[Michigan] Supreme Court Report: ODR Considerations

Expression of Interest Utah ODR

Model Contract - Coming soon! Provider Directory:

Integrated Justice Information Systems Provider Directory:

The best time to start thinking about exiting a technology project is when you are starting a technology project. What happens to data, features, and users when you transition? As you plan your ODR project, in addition to the guidance above, you should also keep this exiting technology project resource at the ready to plan now for what will inevitably happen later.