Suzanne Tallarico |

Suzanne Tallarico, Principal Court Management Consultant, brings a broad range of experience to courts and other criminal justice entities in areas related to criminal justice system functioning, workload, policy, program evaluation, projections, system master planning, and other court and criminal justice related projects.  Areas of expertise include workload analysis and staff need, criminal justice system studies, probation issues, and case processing and management.

Her education includes an M.A. from the University of Denver in Sociology, and a B.A. from Aquinas College, Grand Rapids, Michigan in Sociology.

Highlights of NCSC Projects

  • Judicial Workload Assessment Studies in Iowa District Court, Maryland, Tennessee, New Mexico, Missouri, and Washoe County, Nevada.
  • Workload Assessments for Colorado Probation Department and South Dakota.
  • Workload Assessment for Juvenile Probation Officers for Alabama.
  • Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands Supreme and Superior Court Consolidation of Administrative Functions.
  • King County (WA) Staffing Study.
  • Okaloosa County (FL) Jail Crowding and Criminal Justice System Study.
  • Jail Crowding System Analysis for Kern County (CA)
  • Evaluation of Diversified Dockets in Arapahoe County (CO).
  • Feasibility Study for Alternative Court Scheduling Techniques in Chesterfield County (VA)
  • Performance Audit of the Davidson County (TN) Juvenile Court System.
