Effective warrant management requires the cooperation of multiple jurisdictions as all levels across both the executive and judicial branches of government.
Formal Agreements
The warrants process requires multiple justice agencies to collaborate. Formalized agreements ensure understanding and cooperation between information sharing partners.
Case Study: Pennsylvania JNET Project Charter
Structure and Enabling Authority
Successful information-sharing programs have the authority to undertake their mission whether through mandated legislation or voluntary collaboration. A variety of governance mechanisms and structures can be used to establish this authority.
Resources:Overview of State Justice Information Sharing Governance Structures (National Governors Asscoiation, 2009)
Governance Structure, Roles, and Responsibilities (SEARCH, 2004)
Justice Information Sharing: Sponsorship, Governance, and Planning (The Office of Justice Programs)Policy and Practice
Policies and procedures at the state and local level often mirror FBI and NCIC requirements. Ensure that any systems development efforts also adhere to such requirements.
Justice Information Sharing: Sponsorship, Governance, and Planning (Office of Justice Programs)
MetricsEstablish performance metrics for timeliness, completeness, and accuracy. Measure results continually to evaluate program effectiveness. FBI standards encourage "packing" warrant data (completeness) and require confirmation and validation (accuracy). Automation ensures timeliness.
Case Study: Pennsylvania Multiple Warrants
Resources: National Instant Criminal Background Check (NICS)